100 Days

Who am I? I guess I am what I think and what I feel. I am the people I love and the people who love me back. I am the place where I grew up and those I grew up with and my memories and my history. I am the beauty I could find in the world and I can no longer be the beauty I let slip and passed me by. I am my beliefs and convictions and my lacks of conviction. I am what I do when I am faced with a decision (I am the road to the left or the road to the right). I am also what I do every day : I am the sum of my habits.

 Habits can be difficult for me. I have a long history of passionate enthusiasms that fizzled out. I need some structure, some real deadlines, to keep me in shape. That’s why I jumped into #the100dayproject this year. It’s an open project that happens mainly in Instagram and starts in the spring.  Creators of all kinds make a commitment to practice their creativity in some tangible way every day and post the results online also every day, for a 100 days. Today is day 14 for me. I am committed to do a 100 days of drawing. So far its been great even though I have already cursed at this decision more than once. Sometimes I am exhausted and really don’t want to draw, sometimes I am extremely busy and end up having to draw very late at night or very early in the morning and I am a sleep deprived zombie as a result. Sometimes I am utterly uninspired. Some days every single thing I draw sucks. Sharing the results is not easy, because I don’t want to expose any imperfections or weaknesses or mistakes. I wonder if I’m exhausting everyone with an overload of content. But the habit of drawing every day is taking hold like a plant extending its roots; its growing and getting stronger and I am better for it. You can follow along here if you want: https://www.instagram.com/thebluebirdheart/

Root for me and wish me luck because I am the queen of unfinished things and I really want to get through all the way to the 100th day!

The 100 Day Project, Day 14

The 100 Day Project, Day 14